How Long Have You Been Here

Writing and Zines

How Long Have You Been Here

Illustrated Zine
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The zine explains how the non-binary (further mentioned as NB) umbrella gender identity has been around since a very long time, statues and literature of gender diverse people has existed in Indonesia- even in the whole South East Asia region for hundreds and thousands of years. In this zine the retelling of our incomplete history is represented with references to old kingdoms in South East Asia as well as prehistoric animals, to ease the audience into the history of NB in a fun and fable way making it accessible for younger audiences. The zine will be made in digital format with the dimension A5, easily distributed as well as printed with an optional black and white color to push down printing budget (a colored digital version will be available). After the zine is complete readers may read and experience a socialization workshop to find out what the zine is created for, how the zine was created, and what they can do to further support the NB folks around them. After the workshop participants will be given a digital copy of the zine to keep for themselves or to share with their local community (logistics of an online workshop is open to discussion).

Olan Rene


Olan is a young activist's as well as a disabled non-binary youth.  Olan works with digital and traditional medias in hopes to inspire people as well as share my people's stories. Olan worked in queer and interfaith issues since they were 17 years old, balancing work, school, friends, and time of self.


Festival Organizer




© 2024 SEAQCF

The copyright for each artwork featured in this exhibition remains with
respective artists unless otherwise specified.